Tuesday, March 02, 2004

since i'm missing my doomie, i decided to have a post devoted to my one true french love: DUMAS. (this isn't a convo, this is dumas GEMS from convos her and i have had and messages she has left me. cuz i love her. this can be her FAN page!)

doomie242: how you doin my slute?
doomie242: ...that would be so yay
mainyrhtak: so yay
mainyrhtak: only you woud say so yay
mainyrhtak: lol dumie i love you
doomie242: hehe yea i know my gramma aint too well
doomie242: i love you also, i need to see you during break
doomie242: yay! whatever floats your boat or finds your lost remote
doomie242: yes byebye slute I love you too! hang it there katye bear
doomie242: hey slute
mainyrhtak: hey pet what up
mainyrhtak: yah its pouring here
doomie242: ewwww, doesnt it stink
doomie242: see you know what my prob is
doomie242: i need to get my period really bad
doomie242: i am pms'd as much as i possibly could be
mainyrhtak: need?
mainyrhtak: lol
doomie242: like right now the roomate needs to die
doomie242: shes like THANKS for inviting me to dinner, I'm wanna say maybe i dint want you to go BIATCH
mainyrhtak: LOL
doomie242: yesss
doomie242: i just made her put on headphones, shall i blast the music LOUDER
doomie242: wowww im being a bitch
mainyrhtak: doomie i love
mainyrhtak: YOU
doomie242: pleasant dreams
doomie242: SLUTE
doomie242: byebye roBARE NAKEd
doomie242: love yas
mainyrhtak: lol
mainyrhtak: u 2
doomie242: haha barenaked i love it
doomie242: im lookiin it up in french
mainyrhtak: lol
doomie242: wow you are so so hot
doomie242: slute
**this was a message left by itself when i was away about, o, let's say 100 times!**
mainyrhtak: The Rut won't know what hit it when Yackie and Dumas are reunited!!! :-)
mainyrhtak: is it gonna blow up??
doomie242: yup if i have a big enough pet it will
mainyrhtak: LOL
doomie242: thats right, theres enough of me to go around for everyone
doomie242: duh
doomie242: come on now
doomie242: you've been smokin too much
doomie242: firme la bouch
mainyrhtak: fermez la bouche!
doomie242: yea that too
doomie242: then i was like wait a tick...
doomie242: why the f are you takin french 4
**only dumas would refrain from using profanity in an im...so she can save it all up and use it all when she is WITH you!**
doomie242: im tired
doomie242: im cranky
doomie242: and im sick of guys
mainyrhtak: not always a good thing laura
doomie242: ok whats this horrible name u callin me
mainyrhtak: lol
doomie242: slute love
doomie242: you know how that goes down 8-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I love you dumas. and maybe not everyone who reads this will think these GEMS are funny, because they are totally taken out of context, and maybe they wont understand our version of french, but i love you doomie. miss you. can't wait to see you!! and remember, babe, "everything everything will be alright - everything everything will be just fine."


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