Saturday, March 06, 2004

pet peeve: ** when boys (even just ones that are supposedly your friends) who say they will call don't, or say that they care and don't show it....if you don't want to call me, then don't tell me you will. if you don't want to hang out with me, don't ask me to meet you in the middle of the night. if you don't want to be my friend, after all the bullshit you've put me through....then don't try and pretend that you are. its time to cut the bullshit and grow up and just frickin realize i'm not a child anymore. and i just want to be your friend. so either grow a set and deal, or walk away and don't look back...**

A MAN IS A = boy whom happened to find a woman to take care of him. [NOT his mother.] .....this is something i just came up with...i would say after being awake for 24 hours, thats not bad ;)

and...i'm outtttttt......


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