Saturday, January 22, 2005

let it snow....

so its snowing a lot. i guess if you are anywhere in the country at the moment its snowing. hehe. i was going to post a picture, but i can't even see out my window. so imagine a bunch of white; that's what it looks like.

i'm **trying** to be productive, but i'm not very motivated. i worked at building check-ins this morning, and was motivated when i came back, but then i had to work selling merch at the basketball game, and since i've been back, i've made a list of all the things i need to get done. and i really do need to do them now, because i don't really have any other time to do them. perhaps when i'm done writing....

i haven't written in awhile, which is normally my story. i had the best new year's i have ever had. it was so much fun! thanks tam for just rocking my world ;)

break was short this year, but at least i got to go home....

I'm going to LA in March! I'm so excited. I'm going with the national broadcasting society to their national convention, and I can not wait! it will be a ton of fun!

anyway, not to much for me. an old friend who i haven't talked to in the longest time contacted me the other day, and i couldnt be happier. keep in touch, babe (you know who you are) and it will all work out. i'm here ;)

ok, i'm peacing out. k.i.t.
