Tuesday, October 14, 2003

bio test sucked the big one. the really big one.

i am really unhappy today and i have no idea why......

i need a hug, and my own bed. i was home yesterday and already i want to go back. even if munger wasnt there, i would want to go back. i need to figure this out. really...

school needs to be different. i need a different education than the one i am receiving. yah, i like my classes, well, most of them (poo on you sco 2!!). but i wish i was just learning hands on stuff. maybe just film and french or something. i would be really happy then. i need to change my schedule so that i see my friends more. i am a lump more than a friend, lately. i love my friends!! all of you!! i need to get out more often.

**happy thoughts**

**when you're bf calls u to say HEY**

**your OLD roomie and you attempt to steal chairs OUT OF THE GARBAGE, only to get caught by public safety, so decide that the grocery store will be more entertaining...and safe**

**you find poems...that you wrote...about love....and people like them**

**simon on 7th heaven wants to be a producer....just like you**

**your bio teacher thinks you know what you are doing, even though you her failed a test**

**that people actually read this thing ;) **

ok. sociology time. i think this is my favorite class this semester. too many cores is most certainly a bad thing.

middlebury?? can i do it?? can i afford it??


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