Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Its Almost Over

i have two days (not even) left of my sophomore year. two YEARS left of college, of course, i have plans to go to grad school, so i'm not done with this education thing. but its cool to be half way done, half way out of long island, out of hofstra ;)

but along with that, i had to say g***bye to some friends last night. 2 were graduating, and 2 i have become better friends with than i would have thought i would. so that made me think....sometimes you are just so connected with a person. i was thinking about the people that really have a huge piece of my heart. my heart belongs to mjm, everyone knows that, and i hope it always will. but there have been people that have affected me so immensely that they will always have a piece of my heart. and i dont think all these people know it. for example, someone i was really good friends with from the time i was three until i was prolly about a sophomore/junior in high school and we've kind of just lost touch....i mean, he was one of my best friends and i will always cherish the friendship we had. and i dont even think he realizes how important our friendship was to me. i mean, there really are a handful of people who's being has moved me. and maybe not everyone who reads this will understand. and hopefully those people know who they are (I only said bye to 4 people yesterday, so you guys would know ;) ) it's like that saying that i'm about to murder: "people walk in and out of your life; but you will never be the same" one person in particular that i said bye to yesterday has really made a difference in my life at hofstra. whenever i really needed anybody, they were there. whenever something what wrong, they would listen and give me a hug. so thanks. you mean so much to me, and i'm gonna miss you when we are in opposite ends of the world ;)

hopefully, i'll get a chance to say bye to everyone else tonight. but i dont know if thats gonna happen or not. but i love you all, and i'll be seein ya in the fall ;)

have a great summer everyone.

RUT here i come ;) are you guys ready?? lol. here's to bumming around, trying to decide for hours what we are going to do but having fun doing it, renting movies, swimming, camping, BBQs, Taco Bell/Long John nights, ShOpPiNg, LAX nights (yay!! ok, we HAVE to do glow in the dark lax nite ALRIGHT????), 4th of july parties, driving & screaming, laughing and bitching....i just can't wait to be with the gang again! i miss you guys!! home!!!



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