Thursday, May 20, 2004


so i'm totally psyched for summer, but this afternoon's g***bye is going to be the worst.

after two years of living together, after being 5 steps away at any given moment, iming each other across the room, going to the gym and then back to the room to pig out, cooking, playing games, watching tv (yay gilmore girls and 7th heaven and bachelor), crying about boys, bitching about...well, boys, and girls lol...all the things that we've done together. all the amazing time we've spent together...

meg, you are my best friend. and i love you. you're such an amazing person with amazing talent. you succeed at everything you want to do because you want it. anything you want bad enough, you get...thats from life to food to boys to shopping. you amaze me, mc, and i am so glad that we've had the past two years to get to know each other. (goodness i can't stop crying). you and your "schleppy" are really gonna be COMPLETELY happy together one day ;) i don't know how i'm ever gonna say g-bye....

all you hoof-straw-ers...i love you. and you all must know by now how much i love you. this semester has had a lot of tears for me, but you guys have been such great friends and helped me get thru everything. i truely love you all. and i'm sincerely glad to be coming back next fall. i don't know what i will ever do without you. keep in touch, everyone. you have my number, here's my email:

use it. and use it well....and use it often. hope everyone did well on their finals. and no matter what you are doing this summer, be it taking classes, working, interning, or being lazy at home (or a combination of all), i hope you have a blast doing it. life is short (summer is even shorter). i will miss you all very much. CALL ME and call me often. come visit; Vermont is fun ;)

i love you all!

je vous adore tous les jours. je vous penserai touts les temps, aussi. Vous me mangerez, et je sais que je vous mange aussi. bonne vacance



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