Monday, November 07, 2005

its been awhile

so i haven't written since the end of last semester. i did a good job on that promise to myself to try and write everyday, didn't i? well, senior year is going well. i'm a senior resident assistant now in bill of rights (ya bill of righteous chicks!) and i love it!! my staff is amazing, my residents are the greatest...its fantastic. this semester brought a lot of responsibilities and hardships, but i'm getting through them. I'm trying for dean's list again; we'll see how that goes...

[why am i watching the military channel?]

i was thinking today how much i miss my grandfather, and how much family means to me. although sometimes it didn't seem like it. i love my family. and i can't wait to start my own...

thats it for now. i know, weak huh? o well, i'll figure it all out and hopefully will be better at writing later.

peace out cub scouts.



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