Thursday, June 24, 2004

i was reading old blogs, and i wanted to cry. i really don't know why. life is like riding a roller coaster blind folded - you never now when you are gonna hit an up or down (oo i like that one!!). ...

someone emailed me and told me that they wanted to talk to me and that i needed to read their blog and i would understand why. so i read the blog and shouldnt have read it at 3 in the morning because i got confused and thought it was about me (duh, thats why they wanted to talk to me). but of course, reading something important at three am is definately not the wise move. so anyway, i dont know if i was dissappointed or relieved when it hit me that it wasnt about me. i dont know.

that was really frickin vague. lol.

so yah. summer is good. busy. i'm going camping tomorrow, thats gonna be frickin awesome. i should go to bed now, though. i have to baby sit in the morning.

post comments. drop me a line. whatev.


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