Wednesday, November 05, 2003

its been awhile since i've written. but everything is ok on this end. i'm going to endicott to pick up lyz on thrusday night, and then going home. and then we're going to syracuse!! meg, be ready for us! lol. the school better be ready for us. so esstientally, i'm driving all over creation this weekend. i'm going to be dead tired when i get back to school sunday night.

i watched finding nemo last night with some amazing people! you guys rock and made that movie even more enjoyable than it is all by itself ;)

and just to let him know, i fell deeper in love with my boyfriend last night ;) i love you mjm. always.

so everything is ok here. i am stressed right now, although you can't tell. i have projects due, papers galore, a presentation on tuesday, a exam tomorrow, an exam tuesday, an exam wednesday, those silly blackboard assignments (if you don't know what those are YOU ARE LUCKY!!!) ...did i mention i have papers? o and papers? o...i think i forgot....PAPERS!!! i was almost looking forward to working on them this weekend, but i'm going to be home, so we all know this isn't happening!

dane cook is coming to hofstra ;) thanks rut boys, for introducing me to this wonderufl world...

o and sethalupagus? i'm sorry you had to see what you did last night...thats gross...i had nightmares about it...ewwwww....(once again, if you don't know YOU ARE LUCKY!!!)

well, i have to run off to sign up for ushering times. lucky me. i wish i was SLEEPING!!

love you me:

i'm out.



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